Wednesday, August 8, 2007


To all libarimans and non-librarimans "posting" on this blog:

FRIDAY will see the dawn of a new age here at the inauguration of a new weekly feature we friendly faeries of fab like to call "FUGLY SHOE FRIDAY."

Well, it would be a new age. Except, erm, the last freaking post to this blog before this one is, you might note, also a post about shoes.

If "somebody" that is not a superfabulous non-librarian --some actual librarian, perhaps???-- doesn't post to this blog soon, there is a very real chance that the blog will become KNOWN in the blogosphere as essentially, well, a blog about shoes.

Shoes, Randy. Shoes, shoes, shoes, more shoes, and, finally, shoes.

I'm just sayin'.

Best wishes,

Your fabulously fab faerie friend.

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