Friday, August 10, 2007

Fugly Shoe Friday


So, everyone, here's today's fugly shoe. I have to admit, I was actually on the fence about these for awhile. I mean, I love a platform, I could work that heel, and maybe with a cool pair of jeans and a pink fitted shirt?

But then I started to wonder about the colors. And the weird sheen from the satin in that dark orange. And the proportion is off--the peep toe is too small a window and the heel is too stiletto for the platform front.

Anyway, I say nay. And as I'm the arbitrary arbiter of all things fashion on this blog that is, ostensibly, about books, what I say goes. They are thus the inaugural pair of shoes for this blog's new weekly feature, Fugly Shoe Friday.

TTFN, boys. I'm off to spread my friendly faerie of fab fun elsewhere I'm needed.

Is this a shoe blog yet? Shoes are like dandelions, you know. Eventually they just take over.

UPDATE: oh, sorry, almost forgot: in case you're interested, they're by Marni, and go for about three hundred. In the UK--i.e., three hundred Pounds.

1 comment:

Bruceifer said...

ummm, fitted shirts... sorry i was thinking of someone else. LeSigh.