Saturday, August 18, 2007

Okay, it's my blog and I oughta post

Hi, I am LibrarianRandy and I am...ahem...a rotten librarian, actually I am a professional rotten librarian. I have been working in a public library as a teen librarian for five years now.

It is my job to assist teens with finding fulfilment - no not that kind of fulfilment, the literary kind, and not that kind of literature either *sheesh* get your mind out of the gutter. Teens comprise about 25% of the usership of public libraries but receive the least service therein. Most public libraries, and fewer and fewer public schools, have librarians who work directly with teens full time. Which is really too bad since kids between twelve and twenty have been having dropping literacy rates for the last decade or two. Anyway, it is what I do and something that I enjoy talking about so you will definately hear about it here.

I have seen my share of rotten librarianship in only five years. I have made a fair number of mistakes myself and have witnessed some of the pitfalls my fellow book pushers have fallen into, not to mention a pretty varried collection of general weirdness from both the patrons and the staff. I thought it might be cool, and dare I say it, useful, to host a blog about those trips and traps as a warning to those who may follow. Beware, from this point on there may be dragons, so bring your own weenies.

Welcome to RottenLibrarian! If you have been visiting this site for a bit you will have noticed that it is as much about slamming your host, me, as anything else. So go ahead hit me with your best shot I can take it, after all sticks and stones may break my bones but groupings of pixels can never hurt me. This site is for librarians and so it stands to reason that there would be a shoe blog on it. We librarians are nothing if not fashionable, or at least well shod. Since it is my library blog it also includes a healthy amount of information about role-playing games, fantasy, science fiction and movies. So, if you have anything you wish to share about librarianship, best practice or worst, shoes,questionable pictures of gamer folk or just want to take a pixalated roundhouse at me, feel free! Post your heart out and enjoy the show.


Unknown said...


hey, will you ever post book lists here for teens, like, say, "here's a list of great books about X for teens"?

Seems I know someone with a teen.

Also, how much do you want to bet the shoe content here drops in proportion to the number of library content related posts???? Just curious.

librarianrandy said...

This is a library blog it must discuss fashion. There is nothing more to be said.

As to the book lists expect the first this week.