Monday, September 24, 2007

So there I was, on the internets... when I came across this story. Sort of reminded me of Dave's Singularity blurb that he shared a while back, and since I know the readers of this blog (all 10 of us) like neat, geeky ideas...

Time Travel May Be Possible...!

Check it out, as they say.


librarianrandy said...

Oh that's just great!
Do you have any idea how tough it is going to be to get a decent 1960's British Police Call Box?

Going back in time and messin' with history. Slippin' back to the days when people read books and listened to the radio. Way back, befor Britany got all saggy. Coooee, ain't the world grand.

Bruceifer said...

I can't believe an actual scientist put his name on this theory.

Dibs on the picnik spot on the grassy knoll.

countryclublibrarian said...

So that explains some of my more eccentric library patrons. They truly are from a parallel world.


Bruceifer said...

i wish i could travel in time to a point where this blog was updated.